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Book Manuscript

  • “A Global South Divided: Rising Powers in International Environmental Negotiations"

Peer-reviewed Publications (English)

"Growing Apart: China and India at the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol." 2023. Global Environmental Politics. 23(2):1-26.

Why did China and India took different positions at the Kigali Amendment, one of the first multilateral environmental agreements that differentiate obligations between self-selected developing country groups? What does it mean for the Common-But-Differentiated Responsibility Principle?

"Political Economy of Vaccine Diplomacy: Explaining Varying Strategies of China, India, and Russia's COVID-19 Vaccine Diplomacy," with Mao Suzuki. 2022. Review of International Political Economy. 

Why are some countries focused on vaccine sales while others are more open to donation? Why do some prefer bilateral to multilateral channels in distributing vac- cines? Through comparative analysis of China, India, and Russia, this article shows that political economic factors, in addition to geopolitics, shape the ways non- Western powers conduct vaccine diplomacy.

Trade for the Environment: Transboundary Hazardous Waste Movements after the Basel Convention, 2020. Review of Policy Research, 37(5): 713-738. 

Why countries trade hazardous wastes, and what can international environmental regimes do to minimize negative impacts of such trade? This article argues that global economic integration commodifies hazardous wastes, and countries are increasingly diverging on their views of hazardous materials. Industrialized countries trade the largest amounts of hazardous wastes and with considerable specialization. Newly industrializing countries have become influential players in hazardous waste generation and management. Least-developed countries oppose waste trade yet suffer from waste dumping.  


"Fiscal Decentralization or Centralization: Diverging Paths of Chinese Cities." 2019. China & World Economy, (27) 3: 102-125.

​If fiscal decentralization promotes growth, why do some regions decentralize more than others? Fiscal decentralization and its economy-liberalizing effect entail significant short-term fiscal risk. The more a locality relies on uncompetitive business ownership for fiscal revenue, the less likely fiscal decentralization is to occur.

Peer-reviewed Publications (Chinese)

Zhongmei Lv, Shiming Yang. 2021. “Environmental Law Enforcement in the United States: Environmental Public Interest Remedy.” Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University. 50(2): 18-30.


How is environment remedied after damaged? Who pays for the damage and who restores the environment?

Zhongmei Lv, Shiming Yang. 2018. ‘‘The Environmental Health Regulatory System: Experience of the United States,” Chinese Journal of Environmental Management . 2018(2): 19-25.

This article studies EPA-HHS cooperation at national and local levels in terms of rule- making and environmental incident management. 

Zhongmei Lv, Shiming Yang, 2017. ‘‘Controlling Environmental and Public Health Risk: Lessons from Environmental Standard-making of the United States,” Chinese Journal of Environmental Management . 2017 (1):52-58.

This article studies environmental standard making of the United States. The US approach of protecting public health with environmental quality standards gives important insight into solving the institutional fragmentation and unclear mandate problems in China’s environmental regulation.

Working Papers 


  • "Environmental and Public Health Cooperation: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and China" with Lv Zhongmei. 

Other Publications/Media

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